Highway of Life

Life's Highway

The road of life is a highway, that circles round the Sun, yeah life is like a road trip, and not all of them are fun. 

Just like any other journey, you plan the things you'll see and do, but sometimes things don't go as planned, that's how life's been for me and you. 

It's like you took a detour from the path that we were on, It seems I blinked my eyes, the next thing you were gone. 

So now I'm flying solo, down this highway I am bound, it seems I'm in a clunker, because I'm always breaking down. 

The road goes on forever, at least it feels that way to me, I keep searching for an off ramp, just to set my poor heart free.

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Being that I have been on the

Being that I have been on the road, this one drew me... And i ponder the frienships left behind... I miss them dearly, yet i still have little time to keep in contact. Fortunately, they seem to understand. 

Copyright © JessterStarshine