I walk through the country green
along a simple easy way
the land rises up slowly
beneath my feet
tall green trees line the way
hiding all the lies ahead
the rustling of their leaves
and there scent fills the air
the soil lies try and worn
along the easy way
by the feet of travelers who
have journeyed along this way
climbing up the mountain side
rising up above the trees
revealing now what lies ahead
on the mountains peak
blocks of stone from mountain cut
building Castle strong
where she waits sitting
waiting there for me
reaching her side I reach out
and gather her in my arms
so soft and warm she fits there
and belongs always there
I continue climbing up
to the gate so strong
closed unopening to us
we together cannot pass
Green grass
Over there ... I can see it ... On the other side of that mountain
Like this writing. Made me see imagery.
Copyright © JessterStarshine