

Sinners have no say

Sinners can't say didly

Comming up slowly

Keeping beats upon finger tips

Saintly eyes mostly have no souls

I can own it all

I can own happy

While glares proclaim their presence

Making me fall quickly

And takes the rhythm from my hands

Asking me to fade away

Numb my stares like novacaine

Thinking briefly of a child

Seeing the same sights

Contradictions as to who cares more

Compare the beauty of a childs sight to your own

Remeber the beauty of your child inside

And never forget

For once, no matter where you are

Check out the moment

Hold it in a bookshelf for future reference

Overwhelmed by will of instinct

Prophets need to help themselves

And leave the drunks to rest

You'll end up hating yourself the most

Like me

On a train

Overwhelmed by the persistance of human sin

Makes me want to hate myself some more.

Loathing of saintly eyes

Loathing of sinners lies

Hoping to just stay in the game

But knowing we're all the same

Bubbles in my head

As if my brain has spring a leak

Draining into my self conscience

Wondering why they've all become a part of me

Taking time to care

Brush their hair out of their eyes

Forgiveness doesn't stop at forgetting

I'd be just like Jesus

Only if I loved myself

I can't eat it, I am poison

Why should I carry the burden of sin?

Why wont I be strong like Him?

Shape the words, make them congegate

Formulate impressions on their faces

Surpising them in all different places

And take my pedistol as a trophy

Producing false idols as rewards

Saints turn sinners

Becomming all under the sun

Thinking yourself into perplex cirlces

And you'll twirl into contradictions

Comming to the same conclusions

And you realize, you realize

Spirals of self loathing.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I never know which is better, being saintly or sinful. And no matter what we do, we'll always be both. Everything is always both.

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I like this one. Not sure why.