Isaiah 55:11
The ground you're standing on is Falling because I'm the only one stable
Only one able
The only absolute there ever will be
So come and lean back on me
I the solid rock so stand
The one who endlessly pursues you
So take my hand
Speak my heart and it will be true
Lay down yourself and we will find you
I've given you the choice
Now what will you choose
But if you decide what will you really loose?
Participate in my divinity
And be Christianity
Walk the steps I have prepared
Share what I have shared
Dare for those no one has dared
Go where I go
I lead learn to follow
And others follow you
So what will you do?
Be the perfect copy
Of everything In me
For in me you move and live and breath
Apart from you you only find death
According to my word
You're tied to you accord
Constantly growing closer to me
As I take you from one to. Another glory
I've breathed life into your bones
You're not alone
My spirit is with you where you go
Won't you talk to me as I talk to you
Make every effort to add to my goodness
I promise my faithfulness
My knowledge
My control
Giving above all things is love
The small seed that grows which is enough.
Different parts of my body connect to me so I can use
But when you do don't let the other part know
Keep the Faith
With You Forever.
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