You're Human and You're Alive

You're human, you are alive,

In the vast expanse of time's gentle sigh.

It's okay to have bad days,

To wander lost in life's winding maze.


To make mistakes, to sometimes fall,

To be less than perfect, and feel so small.

For what is normal, but a fleeting shade,

In a world where all our fears are laid?


It's okay to cry, to grieve, to mourn,

To feel the ache of hearts forlorn.

To be wrong, to tremble, to doubt,

To find yourself in shadows, shut out.


To hesitate, to struggle, to stand still,

To seek solace in the quiet, until

The moment comes to raise your voice,

Or embrace the silence, your chosen choice.


It's okay to slow your hurried pace,

To take a breath, to find your place.

To change your course, to start anew,

To accept when plans fall through.


For the endless possibilities await,

In the realms of fate, where we can recreate.

To fall apart, to shatter, to break,

Only to gather, to mend, for our sake.


It's okay to feel the sting of pain,

As long as growth becomes our gain.

If others fail to understand your way,

It's enough that you find light in your own day.


For you're human, you are alive,

In the ebb and flow, you'll thrive.

To feel, to learn, to falter, to rise,

To break, to mend, beneath vast skies.


Again and again, in life's grand dance,

You find your way, given another chance.

It's okay, you're human, and alive,

In this endless journey; you'll survive.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Copyright 2024 Savva Emanon ©

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a wonderful and truly moving

a wonderful and truly moving piece

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