Your Mindset Matters

In the theatre of the mind, where thoughts reside,

Your mindset is the stage where life's truths abide.

It shapes your world, crafts your circumstance,

Turns fate' fickle hands into a dance.


For the quality of life, in shadows or in light,

Is born from perspectives, in day or in night.

Mindset is everything, the sages declare,

A compass that guides through joy or despair.


Perceive this world as hell or paradise,

See pain as a foe or a friend in disguise.

Struggles as lessons or harm in your way,

Loss as a beginning or the end of a day.


Two paths lie before you, fearful or free,

Two choices in suffering: to grow or to flee.

Reality' definition, a script you design,

The meaning of your journey, uniquely thine.


A backstory is given, a plot to unfold,

Yet your pen writes the chapters, bold and untold.

The ending you sculpt, with hope or with sorrow,

For mindset carves the paths of tomorrow.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

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an awesome and most thought

an awesome and most thought provoking write