What is Justice?

Satish Verma

Do you find racism
in animals? It departs from skin law.
The conscience pricks unsaid.

A travesty of the moon-
naked. You don't remember any flesh.
The sleep gropes for the light

Who will read the last
command of the brightest star? For a
new image you have to sever your head.

cynosure's picture

Frans would approve.

The emotional tone of this poem feels both contemplative, introspective and perhaps even slightly eerie. The mention of racism in animals and the departure from "skin law" suggests a deep examination of societal issues and norms. Indeed, it feels inspired by the late great Frans de Waals himself (I recently wrote a short blog with this in mind on another site). The phrase "The conscience pricks unsaid", hinting at unease or guilt surrounding unspoken thoughts or actions, is refreshingly bold in its honesty. 

I also enjoyed the description of a "travesty of the moon-naked", which paints a vivid and somewhat unsettling image, evoking a sense of vulnerability. The line "The sleep gropes for the light" conveys a sense of searching or longing for something elusive was masterful. 

The mention of reading the last command of the brightest star adds a mysterious and possibly foreboding element to the poem. The final lines about the need to sever one's head for a new image underscores the gravity of significant change/sacrifice required to renew or transform oneself completely. 


Alliswend bin ich nicht, doch vie list mir bewußt.