
Frigid demons paint 
deathly emotional depressions
in tombstone shades of  grey,
while silence reflects
deep pools of thought
discerning tones of inner voices,
leading to
solace finding shelter in quiet dreams
Author's Notes/Comments: 


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allets's picture

One Of Your Better Writes

The dichotomies on a spectrum of emotions and struggles - solace in dreams - nice - slc



Sassylass's picture

Thank you

my friend

Much appreciated 

Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....



Incompl's picture

cool embellishment here.

cool embellishment here. Finding solace somewhere in your own mind is comforting. 

Let your teeth show

Sassylass's picture


Wrote in a brooding mindset.

Thanks,  luv

Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....
