
I dip my pen into the silver-pot of moon

And inscribe the night with calligraphic marks

That some stargazer may alight upon by chance

And wonderingly translate into his tongue.

I dip my brush into the gold ink-pot of sun

And paint the golden highlights of the new day

On every tree and flower and blade of green grass

'Til the picture compells participation.      

I sieve the stones through fingers sensitive to touch

And watch the stream's spray glisten off every one-

An opalescent shimmer of rainbow glory

Inviting life to enter the commonplace.

Silent stirrings of the Divine, gift cheerful hope

In blessings quite unrealized at the time,                                

Working God's alchemy in loving innocence

And confidently, cheerfully do His will.

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Helen Schmidt's picture

This is a beautiful poem, FM Salphire! I enjoyed your metaphor of the artist utilizing God-given talent to show others the beauty that surrounds us all - lovely gifts from the Creator. Writing and sharing these poetic words is indeed another way of expressing a special gift. I have certainly enjoyed the moments I spent reading and savoring these words. Thank you!

Best wishes,

salphire5's picture


Thank you for your beautiful and positive comment Helen. I really appreciate that you took the time to write, of your understanding and feelings. Take care, my great poet and friend.