One Toxic Cup Of Coffee


One cup of coffee.. the jumpstart of hundreds of millions.. I've had you every day.. since have made me bitter, angry, impatient, in or not in traffic

This cup full of heavy metals.... has caused ulcer generating acid in my stomach... and taken enamel from my teeth. It has drained calcium from my bones,  unnaturally stimulated my heartbeat... eroded my optic nerves...and reduced my sight. Its acidity has harmed the myelin sheath over the brain's nerves, its electrical system, causing impatience and less ability to concentrate.

Your caffeine dioxypurines* are addictive and crystallize around my joints, my spine,  jabbing me with pain making me rigid, inflexible.. both in mind and body, causing obstacles to concentration after the initial high. The alternative decaffeination chemicals are also toxic (unless they are saltwater decaffeinated) .

I have not always bought organic coffee... and the insecticides in each cup make a poison brew. The caffeine is a diuretic.. stimulating frequent trips to the bathroom. Coffee is also a factor in bladder and pancreatic cancer.  Its interference with peaceful energy flow is a factor in diabetes.

Coffee in styrofoam cups interacts with heat to create cancer-causing styrene

Your bright berries grow in the high mountain sun..I love you, coffee trees but may I switch to blackberry and blueberry and elderberry teas...not teas steeped in the leaves untimely ripped from their mother trees..leaves whose tannic acid contains caffein and causes ulcers but teas from berries.. given freely by the bush and vine.

The acid in coffee causes

1. ulcers

2. optic nerve problems

3.  erosion of myelin sheath of nerves, interfering with concentration and natural pateince

4. teeth enamel eroded by acid

In addition

5. dioxypurines of caffeine cause arthritis as they crystallize around the joints

6. unnaturally stimulated heartbeat

7. coffee is correlated to pancreatic and bladder cancer, while very hot coffee (150 degrees or more) can cause esophageal cancer and burns

8. nonorganic coffee has heavy metals and insecticide carcinogens

9. coffee is a diuretic, creating more frequent urination

10. calcium leached from body

11. correlation to placental abruptions in childbirth

12 coffee is correlated to diabetes, giving a short energy high followed by lows

13. insomnia

14. anger in traffic etc.

15. Coffee acidifies the body. Alkaline diets are a gradual cure for cancer.


This writer once accidentally overheard 2 people discussing her at a vegan convention. The first said "She drinks coffee you know" and the second replied "That explains it."

I once asked God for permission for each cup of coffee, praying and then flipping a coin. Over 3 days the coins yielded 9 tails, 9 no's. There is one chance in 512 to toss 9 no's in a row. Obeying for 3 days, I decided to stop asking since I wanted coffee. God tried to warn me about what it was doing to my eyes.

I became like Inspector Clouseau, in the Peter Sellers movie Pink Panther, whose eye twitched whenever his subordinate appeared in his office.  With the exception of 1 cup in the last 3 years., I've conquered coffee. Patience is growing in me, like slow gentle rain from the eaves drop by drop filling a barrel.  The trioxypurine is caused by uric acid in meat and fish, dioypurine is caffeine. The

sharp needle crystallizations of both gather in the spine. I became

vegetarian in 1967 and vegan in 1973,  but never gave up coffee until 2019. As a result my spine is now injured by a buildup of dioypurine residue. Hopefully others can be warned by my mistake.


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Thought provoking

Lucky for me I'm a one a week at most coffee drinker. Thanks for sharing this. I know a few people I will share this. 