Only 20 Of 195 Countries Murdered Prisoners (Execution) In 2019


 North, Central and South America, only 1 country, the US, still has the death penalty.
Despite the fact that the Supreme Court supported the exclusion of those who oppose execution from capital
crime trial juries,  eliminating the nonviolent from juries, the death penalty among US states has been declining.

 In 2020 as of July 10, only 5 states
(Texas, Missouri, Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee) had conducted prisoner murder.  All have Republican governors
and the Supreme Court is a majority Republican. Ohio's Republican governor is waiting for execution drugs.
 Only the federal government
has increased its scheduled executions, the first such scheduling in almos 20 years.

"In  2019, only 20 of 195 countries had killed prisoners,106 countries (a majority of the world’s states) had abolished the death penalty
 in law for all crimes, and 142 countries (more than two-thirds) had abolished the death penalty in law or practice.".
Of the 195 countries, 2 have been excluded
from voting in the UN. They are Palestine and the Vatican.
  Source:  Amnesty International

China is said to conducts the most prisoner murders but does so in secret. 86% of executions in 2019 excluding
China were conducted by 4 countries: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq and Egypt.  In Saudi Arabia, adultery and
homosexuality are capital crimes.  Methods of execution around the world
include hanging, electrocution, the gas chamber, firing squad, and lethal injection as well as decapitation
and stoning, the latter having happened in recent
years. In some Muslim countries.

Other forms of government murder include war, assassinations, torture, police and prison guard killings..

Christians worship Jesus who prevented a stoning in progress.  However, many Christian evangelicals
support government murder.
Catholic bishops oppose government sanctioned murder.
Buddha taught nonviolence.
Ahimsa or nonharming is a tenet of Hinduism, but India executed 4 rapists this year.
"Reform and Conservative Jewish organizations have argues against the death penalty,
while the Orthodox Union has called for a moratorium. "  (Google)




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allets's picture

State Sponsored Murder

Don't know. A woman on death row choked pregnant woman to death, cut her baby out, took it as her own. We closed all the psychiatric hospitals - corporate hospitals wanted the franchise and legislated to get all the insurance covered sick. The word heinous like knee to neck until dead, sparked world abhorence. No death penalty though for cops. Stoned to death, hard on criminal and killers. The good old ancient days: Drawing and Quartering.  Burned at the stake. What is it with this need for horror and horrible pain? Tie to pole at low tide, high tide crabs feed. Malice Green was beaten to death. That old standby: poison snake or hungry dogs pit. Imagined horrors: Alien/Aliens.


Jesus - spiked wrist and feet. Death by starvation and thirst. Where to start? Humans avoid correcting the ugliness of institutions systemitized. ~S~









Sassylass's picture


i had that Ahhh moment

well penned



Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....
