News Stories And Thoughts, 17 Of Them, About Harming Other Beings

A Fellow Creature


Organoids, organs-on-a-chip, the Ames bacteria test, computer models..some of many nonviolent, safer, more effecitve, much less expensive, much less inaccurate
alternatives to animal torture research.
China (20.5 million) Japan (15.0 m), US (15.6 m),  Canada (3.6 m), Australia (3.2 m), South Korea (3.1 million), the United Kingdom (2.6 million), Brazil (2.2 million), Germany (2.0 million) and France (1.9 million),  #s are of experiments.. #s of animals killed much higher
Religions teaching animals have no souls have adherents more likely to objectify and to harm animals, eating , researching on, riding them, using them as beasts of burden, as objects of entertainment, etc. Neither Jesus nor his disciple Francis of Assisi have converted many in the Catholic hierarchy, Eastern Orthodox, or Christian pastors.
Leather from any animal, fur from any animal, wool, silk...all involve cruelty to animals and are avoided by vegans.
Silkworms are boiled alive. 3000 silkworms have a hideous death for 1 lb. of silk
Thalidomide was tested on dogs and did not indicate problems.. Researchers were unaware of phocomelia (no development of limbs). Approximately,10,000 children were born with malformed or no limbs.
Caffeine (dioxypurine) is bad for heart, kidneys, pancreas and eyes. Imagine how much worse meat's uric acid (trioxypurine) is. The tannic acid in teas is also injurious.
In a life previous to his life as Buddha, he came across a starving tigress and her 2 cubs and laid down in front of her
sacrificing himself, said Sai Baba   6
All beings tremble before violence. All fear death. All love life. See yourself in others. Then whom can y ou hurt? Buddha
Eating animals, leading cause of pandemics, species extinction, ocean dead zones, death in the West from human diseases, animal agony, energy waste, water depletion and pollution, climate crisis, habitat loss, human starvation in poor countries
low per acre food yield, rainforest and other forest destruction
Coors, Chrysler, Wrangler, several banks, sponsors of brutal rodeo Calves' necks choked some broken in brutal roping. Horses hurt, cowboys injured, outcome of cow murder business Coke says it doesn't sponsor rodeo. SHARK disagrees. horrible graphics
Marjery Glickman has worked many years opposing the Iditarod. PETA, she and others have caused
Exxon, Jack Daniels, Wells Fargo, Chrysler, Alaska Airlines to drop sponsorship of the brutal race which has killed 150 dogs since the race began in 1973.  Iditarod dogs are jerked & twisted in chains, fall into chasms, drown in freezing water, get frostbite paws, are driven unmercifully, break legs etc
A 36-year-old doctor in Tennessee died Feb. 8, about a month after receiving the second dose of a #COVID vaccination.
A Florida doctor died shortly after the vaccine. Hank Aaron died 17 days after he was vaccinated.
Kary Mullis, winner of the Nobel Prize for his invention of the PCR test, said the test was wrongly used in covid testing, that it would give many false positives (resulting in the term 'asymptomatic'. He asked several to debate him and they declined. In an interview he stated he'd received the formula for PCR while in a dream state.12
Swine flu side effects were so bad children became like schizophrenics.
Humane Society of the US 2020 scorecard on animal rights legislation. Which senators and representatives are the
best, the worst, and those in the middle.
Which states use
most dogs in lab experiments?
5 things to know about bear bile prisons in China. the extraction of the bile is very painful. Vietnam
outlawed such bear bile prisons in 1991.
90% of bird species are monogamous.  PETA
Brazilian JBS, world's largest slaughterer of cows, also cruelly kills pigs and chickens. There is no humane slaughter but some abbatoirs are even worse than others. JBS bought Pilgrim's Pride.

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Okay, concise, personal. A stance against cages. Okay.



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Precise and valuable truth.

Precise and valuable truth. Three words. So much power. 


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