Untitled -- 8.10.2005

[V.1]You pass by her every day

Never noticing the head that's bowed

Never seeing the tears that mar her face

Never noticing the cuts that scar her flesh

You see nothing

You hear nothing

You know nothing

So nothing you say.

[Chor.]You pass by this shadow

This bleeding crying shadow

Of a girl lost in pain

Living in vain--so lost in her pain.

[V.2.]Do you see the shadow

The bleeding crying shadow

Crying herself to eternal sleep?

Do you see she's not alone?

Memories that plague

Her tormented mind

Stay too close for comfort

At her side.

[Chor. X2.]

[Bridge]Do you care about who she is?

Does she have a face?

Do her tears make you smile?

Does her pain make you laugh?


[Chor. 2]You pass by my shadow

My bleeding crying shadow

I'm the girl lost in pain

Living in vain so lost in my pain!

[End x3]You pass by her shadow

Her bleeding crying shadow...

           Music notes for Bleeding crying shadows.

Intro before V.1: soft piano intro w/ transcending violins, major keyfirst,  falling into minor key. Haunting tone.

V.1: Vocals: Low soft female soprano voice. Wide range needed, flowing legatto tone. NOT harsh.

        Instruments: Piano and violin same as intro. Slowly assing cello and electric guitar. Guitar tone tba.

Chor: Vocals: more firm vocals. Voice acrobatics? Operatic tone.

      Inst: Piano, violins, and cello joined with distorted guitar riffs and bass. Drums added soon after. Sinister.

Transition Chor-v.2: drums fade out. guitar plays softly. piano, cello, and violins continue. vocals decrescendo to soft sporatic whisper echoed.

V.2: same as V.1

Chorus: same as previous chorus.

Bridge: chorus transitions slowly to background music, hardly audible. Cello solo, 30 sec. vocals added key change into higher key possibly from Gflat to Bflat. Vocals lulling. haunting. Operatic. Last note sharp. All music, including vocals transcend into chorus at B flat.

Chorus: same as prevois chorus.

Chorus 2: Harmony added to vocals, possibly screaming if not harmony. Screaming in background. Soprano continues with meoldy. Everything else stays the same.

End Transition:  All instruments slowly fade out, leaving only piano, violins and cello to remain playing. Vocals: Alto(harmony/screaming) fades out. soprano remains, accompanied by the echo of a whisper, harsh and eerie. Vocals continue phrase 3 times, echoed. then all music fades, with the whispers remaining, chanting phrase sparatically.

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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Afzal Shauq's picture

a good and impressive poem with good logic and rich theme..well written..like it very much and went through few of your more poems and enjoyed..means you are a good poetess..hope my peace dreams related thoughts will touch your heart too.. and let me know if i am right dear poetry friend..I am peace wisher poet with 6 books published..