My sister with the broken smile.

I see no point, in seeing the point.

Why bother to fall in love?

It'll only end in scars and bruises,

Chances are you'll lose a lung,

He'll be full of lies and excuses,

I'll never open my eyes again,

I'll never open my heart again,

I heard the cries of my sister,

A man took the better half of her,

And now I miss her,

He said he loved her.

Why would anyone say they love someone,

without loving someone?

Every morning I pick up her diamond shaped tears,

And every night I put her small heart back in it's hollow place,

I help her cut pictures of the men that hurt her over the years,

I take her gloomy memories and try to replace them with my grace.

But nothing seems to work,

And nothing seems to put a smile on her face.

So I hope the men out there are happy,

I hate to see her in so much pain.

Some things can never be fixed,

And somethings will never be the same.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Gen, I still love you. :)

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you are my hero. seriously.