This year has been hard
Like the dock beneath my feet it gives a little to the waves, sways slightly with the currents but mostly it’s just stiff
Like the knowledge that your absence up until now was the choice made to not call
The sum of our excuses and “I’ll do it tomorrow”s, rather than the end of your existence
Like I said
This year has been hard like the dock beneath my feet
Sometimes it gives a little to the waves
Sometimes it sways to a current
Most times it just makes me sea sick
If only you had three feet...
great write Dear! Very interesting imagery. Remaining on the dock, so you are on the water, yet firmly ashore...if only you had three feet...
<3 always undertsanding me when it counts!
Much Love
A no doubt difficult truth to
A no doubt difficult truth to think about, that the lack of one's presence is due to either one or both of you. A hard truth swayed by excuses we ourselves come up with. Great write. I am in no position to impose a title on your work, but if I was going to title it I would give it something similar to "Waves of Excuses". I think it emphasises the similarities between the emotional hardships felt and the rigidness of a solid dock. Waves add an element of graceful peace where there was otherwise stiffness. Excuses add an element of multi-dimensional rationalization to an otherwise cold hard decision. But hey, that's just my interpretation.
thank you for your reply, and I asked for title help so you kinda are in a position to title it, leaving me in the position to take the title or not ;)
I like the idea of wave of soemthing, but excuses doesn't really fit, they passed away the beginning of this year, so the poem is more about how the absence of them in life has changed now that they are actually gone, before if they weren't around it would be because we got to busy, forgot to call, didn;t visit etc, now its cause we can't..... so waves of...?
Much Love
The word has potential....literally.
Its been said that the word " choice" is the most powerful word in this bounteous dish we feast upon known as the Engish language. Waves of indecision?
still doesn't feel right to me, but it does hit the mark more.... remorse maybe?
Much Love
Title Suggestion
How about "Mooring Reflections" - to encompass the solidity of life or death's messages wavering beneath the emotional planks of reason and loss. Just bein' Stella
Much Love