what's the point of living?

What's the point of living when you don't even like yourself? That every time you look in the mirror you just see a person that let people disrespect. What's the point if living when you don't have friends? When that one friend you had since you were a little turn on you and now she is away with cooler people and left you behind because you are a loser. When you have to sit at lunch by yourself or sit with your lame teachers because you are just a weirdo that nobody wants to sit with. What's the point of living when your opinion doesn't count? When every time you say your opinion everyone ignores it or your own parents reply with "you are too young to know about life." What's the point of living when you don't have a talent? When you can't sing, or dance, or rap, or do anything. What's the point of living when your own family brings you down? That every time you tell them you want to be an actress or a makeup artist, they will say you won't make it. What's the point of living when all you have is hope? When everyone treats you like shit, hurt your feelings, rob you... and you just hoping one-day things will change but deep down you know life is just going to get worst, not better. What's the point of living when you are too afraid to prove them wrong ? Prove your family you can go to college and become an actress prove your friends that you are better then what they think, and prove yourself that suicide is not the only option but work hard it is, and show the world that you are just as valid as anyone else

Author's Notes/Comments: 

we all have that dark depressing night were you just want to cry your eyes out. this poem is a result of those nights.  I hope you  like it.

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The point

Is proving them all wrong. Showing them all what they were too afraid to be.
The point of living is taking the shit and fertilizing the fields to reap your own personal harvest. Telling that wretched mirror every morning "I can" and "I Will. Watch me."
Let the naysayers argue with their own reflections while you kick up dust on your own trail for them all to choke on. The point, my dear, is to be the you that YOU want to be, everyone else be damned.

"Music is a universal language and needs not be translated. With it, soul speaks to soul" - Songsterr