Being Drunk and Taken advantage of


I had a few beers

Next thing I know

Some guy is kissing me

My mind is confused

I just keep thinking 

He is finally home

He truly came back to me

He loves me truly

Than the next thing

I know

Is he undoes my pants

And his

Than the next moment

He is inside me

I moan 

And run my hands through his


I moan 


As he moves faster

I scream


As I come

Than the next minute

I open my eyes 

And see not

My husbands face

But another man's

I cry and rush

To get dressed

And run home

To get my self

Cleaned up

I try calling my 

Husband to tell

Him what happened

And what does he


Your lying

I'm lying???

My eyes feel

With tears

As I cry

Yet he

Is the one

Who is living with another

Women in a different state 

Telling me he isn't doing


While the women

Says different

He tells me I'm 

A liar when

The one person I

Told it to was

Him not even

My family

Yet the man

I love tells me

I'm a liar!

So I'm the one

Who got drunk and f***do

And he is with another women

In a different state

Who loves him

And he says he doesn't want her 

When on social media

He claims to love her

And that he is marring her


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this after I had a few drinks and ended up getting F***ed by a very close guy friend og mine.

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Sounds like you get to move

Sounds like you get to move on and be loved like you deserve. Thats  a process though I can totally relate to. Keep your head up this to shall pass. thank you for sharing.