Peacocks "Ever Smiling" Nirvana

Her pure thoughts "Ever Smiling" he spiritual

feathered me down

I was on the other side of Spiritual

 Bird-like town

I saw the Robin Renewal her tail

through different time

So Subline like the Eight Folds my path 

His hands met my heart vine

Birds were singing Goddess telegraph

How he mapped my tweets of the graph

Such immortality eyes feather

whispers Imagery

White Peacock of Nirvana hearing Awwi

Another bam Kaboom and a thumb 

All of a sudden in Peacock race

Forestal Gump a box to preach

Then a hoot and scream what a screech

Like some spiritual God came to her 

Peacock of heaven her speech flew her

Her Roaring waters feather our soul

 Her miles of vision mystical playful

Madonna his love danced to a fling

Oh! Donna changed dark bird took her

Ballerina wings Belladonna brought her wing

 like marine of Godly water

The lady perked up like a Primadonna

The Peacocks became her gift his

feathers move to her heart

she was vibrant feathered and note

I love you to the end of the sea part

Ladybird garlands like a Holiday gift

He smiled at her held her wings

what a decadent moment both smiles

to lift





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Loverly and emotive

It rocks!


Poetry is passion,imagination & soul mixing together....
