Why animals live in packs

Everything started with just a tiny particle of matter, with darkness surrounding it. No life, no breath, no living particles. It was just God and this tiny particle until he decided to make something productive with it so he decided to create the world. A big, round and massive place where different kinds of living things can breathe the pure oxygen, eat the food that the trees and environment provided, like fruits, seeds, plans, mushrooms and other delicious things, drink as well the cold, light, transparent water of the ocean and rain, and get along with all the other living things even if all of them where different as a very special, caring and beautiful family. God decided to create animals that life on the ocean, rivers, and lakes with a special and different way to breath inside them. This animals where fishes, sharks, whales, dolphins, sea stars, lobsters, crabs, sea worms, jelly fish and so many more kinds of them with different colors ,shapes, and weight, but they didn’t care about their differences so all of them behaved as a family. God created as well animals that lived inland like lions, bears, zebras , rabbits, beavers, deer, snakes, pork, cats, dogs and so many more of them of different types of colors, shapes and weight, but they didn’t care about their differences so all of them behaved as a family. God created animals that have the gift of flying in the pure air so he created the eagles, crows, pigeon, humming birds, and many others with different kind of colors, shapes, and weight, but they didn’t care about their differences, so all of them behaved as a family. One day the sharks, lions and eagles got together, they thought they were the strongest in each species so they had something planned, they wanted to prove all the other animals that they were the strongest of all the living things, so they made a challenge to all animals, the challenge said: “We are going to prove all animals we are the strongest and we should govern the sky, land and ocean. If someone does not thinks like us, you can fight us to prove us wrong. The next day some animals decided to fight them, each different kind of animal went alone to fight them but they just died or got seriously wounded, but then some animals like the fish, wolves and seagulls got in a reunion and started to think a way to win the fight, they looked at many plans until they decided to fight them. The fight got interesting the fish, wolves and seagulls were winning because they surpass by number to the enemy and after 2 hours of fighting they defeated them and proved that there are no strong animal who can’t be beaten. So that’s why many animals like these lives in packs, shoals or flock of birds, protecting themselves and living in great amounts. (495 words)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Roberto Gonzalez A01191438
Daniela Segura A01192265

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