When you find 'the one'
When you say 'I do'
When you take the vow
When you mean ' I love you'
The happiest you are
You have all you want.
When you find 'the one'
When you can't say 'I do'
When there is no vow
When you want 'I love you too'
The saddest you are
You know what you want.
When he found 'A fling'
When he says 'Will you'
When there's a place
When he wants you
The confused you are
You think he's yours.
When he is gone
When you bid Adieu
When your hurt
When he wants no more of you
The hurt you are
You know that you lose.
Wow, i really liked this poem. I liked how you set each senario. Except towards the Fling thing i got a little confused, but not too much!
loved it. :)