I hate things!

I hate momories because they just bring pain

I hate happiness because it's just temporary

I hate depression because its alwayz there

I hate guys because you can't live with them and you can't live without em.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Well I wrote this when i was really upset and depressed. So thats also why it's short.

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Alli of the cheese's picture

Ha, yes we've all felt this way, I know I have and the poem really sums up this feeling of loathing. I really like the title too. I Hate Things! That really just says it all plain and simple! Muahahaha! I hate things!!!

absent_ally17's picture

Hey, I really like this poem, because it's something I think we all feel. good work, you should write some more, they're good.

Adam Hawkins's picture

I, too, can relate to this work (except for the last line, of course!). It may be short, but it can definitely communicate how someone without an easy life feels nonetheless. Well met, I'm looking forward to hopefully seeing more work from you!

Jonathan Estep's picture

I like it...Its quite creative...I can relate to the better part of it, save the last line...Over all it is a nice piece...Keep up the good work...