Beware of a woman with a Broken Heart

Up, Up , Up the barriers ascend
Encasing broken dreams
Protecting lost trails of what cannot be fixed
taken ,yet never asked
broken, yet Without permission
As if it was merel
y dust
For it makes no sense to guard something of little use
Pain is why, pain that coils beneath bones threatens the very sanity its victims cling to so helplessly
Pain to what love surrenders to in the formidable end.
yet it can not be overcome, only invited in,
To watch as it slowly tears you apart from in wards out
To destroy hopes
To tear asunder to the sanctuary of ones own innocence
Until, at last, nothing but darkness can be felt like a numbing toxin wooing you with its cold touch.

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daylight's picture

Holy Shit

Holy shit that was the most perfect thing I have ever read. This not only inspired me, but helped me figure out emotions and just made me want to give you a hug. This is so perfect I want to throw my hands up to the sky. Maybe I just will. Yep. Done. 

Remember that you're waking up to daylight tomorrow, and that's something beautiful.....

RifRafJammyJam's picture

thank you

Wow thank you so much! Like its amazing to get feedback like this!! Thank you thank you :D really glad you liked it