Alike to me

I understand your sarcasm,

Doesn’t mean I appreciate it.

I understand why you hide at times,

Doesn’t mean I won’t come looking for you.

Simply put I understand you.

I know how you are feeling,

The turmoil and passion that’s residing in your heart,

The resistance and longing to share yourself with me,

The fear and abandonment you show when you think of me.

I am real.

Length of time shared is not the key,

It’s the quality and depth.

I see you, as much as you may not want me to at times, I do.

Sometimes I pretend not to notice,

Or I shy away with a seeming unawareness towards you.

But I know you, I see you, I feel you.

You are so alike to me.

We are wounded, but it does not mean we will not heal.

Caution is expected, fear need not apply.

There is no need for trepidation, my dear.

Step out of that shell,

Look out over this pinnacle.

Spread wings you dared not flutter,

Ascend this starlit atmosphere with me by your side.

We are real.

You are so alike to me.

I want you.

More then anything,

I want to be with you.

I want to be your only.

I want you for me.

I want you.

You are real.

You are so alike to me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written for/inspired by W.M.

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