I no longer know it exactly
I've remembered it too much
But it was proof of your feelings
Wasn't it, babe?
The sweet, lingering, and seemingly emotional kiss
Continuous pressure of your lips on mine
As you know me from above
My arms around your head
And I felt you change
Your breathing; movement..
I knew you were higher
And you stayed with me
Face to face, lips as one
As you shook
Moved to heaven and back
You kept me with you
My heart is yours
I'm falling in 'SCARY WORD' and wonder if you might be too
But you don't want a capital 'R' Relationship
Sweet torture, bitter beautiful hell
how long shall I let this continue?
If you prove your love without a title,
As I hope and pretend that you have,
why should i seek the word?
If you need to be without words
to find yourself, Mr. 10 years in relationships
to try to become a complete person...
Am I needy or insecure,
or am I not standing up for myself?
Being Naive?
I despise this poem
For continuing on to the truth
Instead of ending with the kiss
Disney movies are made
to crush little girls
When love isn't what they expected
Situations are a bitch.