It squats in the corner of the room
Tireless, commanding, obscene.
Malevolently affixing us in it's glassy gaze,
And our minds are awash in the digital mush,
Will they ever again come clean?
Teased and tantalised, hypnotised and brutalised
By the flickering fata Morgana.
Pandora's box, so long thought lost,
Spills out it's evils in every house.
It holds out to us our daily hopes,
To dash them again in the news hour,
Closely followed by the advert for St John's Wort
And other anti depressants.
But we'll all awake shouting "move that bus"
But that bus doesn't give a damn about us
And the very next day we'll slave away.
Looking forward to the evening program.
Cook shows and overhauls,
Bad soaps and chat shows,
Make everything seem possible,
Acceptable, even palatable.
Even our own slavery.
I'm too old now to fight it.
So please; do show me once more
How to fry an egg.
Please overhaul my house and car
And build for me that dream bike.
Teach me to knock those nails in,
(With never a hammer in sight).
For my part, I promise that I'll phone in
If only to have a chance to win,
Your cheap Chinese tool chest,
Or the holiday in the old chateau,
On the hillside outside Brest.
But putting my sarcasm well aside,
I'll kill any man who pimps my bride!
Great write about t/v.