Sunshine And Shadow

Breathe your sunshine on my shadows.

Rest your soul in the pool of my eyes;

Entangle in the strands of a zephyr breeze

as we float on the wisps of a natural high,

Take the reins of tomorrow, tightly

hitched to the tail of a shooting star,

embracing us in the waiting arms of kismet.

Yesterday's clouds have blown away

over distant mountains of forgotten dreams.

Under the starlit umbrella of a new day, we'll

ride the swirling winds of change.

Scarce are moments such as this

unfurled in the wings of hope's butterfly,

never to pass this way again.

Silhouetted memories frame the sky,

held back by ephemeral ribbons of past illusions.

In the twilight of a closing chapter,

nestle close, as Nyx gracefully arrives in an

evening gown of glittering velvet.

Over the distant horizon, we'll sail, as the

night whispers to a sedentary moon.

Mirrored, in the sparkle of a tranquil sea...

your reflection, my beacon through darkest night.

Sequined stars encrust the sky

hovering silently overhead,

as we anticipate the coming of

dawn, when the warming glow of

our tomorrow's rising sun will

wrap us in the cloak of our

sweetest surrender.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Acrostic: "Breathe Your Sunshine On My Shadows"... a line from my poem "Touch Me"

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

another wonderful piece with great metaphors. Your writing is excellent!