Sadly, your existence ended eighteen months ago.
On July 11, 2020, you would have no tomorrow.
You were a very pretty dog with brown fur.
You died and it certainly was hard to endure.
Your life ended a year and a half ago today
It was very sad to learn that you passed away.
I bought another Chihuahua to ease my suffering but not to replace you.
You were one in a million and you can't be replaced, that's certainly true.
It's truly sad to know that you no longer exist.
You were my baby doll and you have been missed.
The death of a beloved pet is
The death of a beloved pet is always difficult. I continue to believe that the Apostles Saints Paul and John taught that the deceased creation will be restored. This has helped me to endure the death of our dachshund, Oscar, one of the most polite dogs I have ever encountered; and the possibility of the near future death of our beloved Chihuahua, Zoe, one of the two most empathetic dogs I have ever known. I still mourn the death of the other most empathetic dog in my life, my cocker spaniel, Monica (1972-1986) who was a major part of my adolescence.