Ghost Haunter of My Heart

 For the handsome Zak Bagans of Ghost Adventures


Yes, I am really asking him out!



There is no better word for it

I am consumed

Given over whole

To the heart and soul of you

In my thoughts

In my dreams

Your E.V.P. speaks

The words

The message

So clear

Maybe not a true love

But at least a date

Meant to be


Without your shirt


Could a man get any hotter?

You set off all my alarms

Send my 6th sense

To 7th Heaven

And so I knew

I had to take a chance

On the roll of your hometown Vegas dice

Ask you out in the best way I know

Through my own love



Like you

I find myself


Truely alive

Among the unliving spirt world


Endlessly grasping for that one piece of proof

There is a world

A place beyond this lonely one


So let's get locked down

On our first date

Spend the night together

Exploring a truely haunted place

And maybe just maybe

Finding between us

Something more as well

Something as lasting and eternal

As we both believe

The human spirt to be


2013 Ramona Thompson  




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C03ru135c3n7's picture

Much enjoted

This is intensely erotic without being crude or artificial.


ramonathompsont's picture

Oh wow I had no idea it came

Oh wow I had no idea it came out that way. lol if he ever reads it wonder what he will think