The Storm of A Lifetime

Rewrite of Firehouse's Love of A Lifetime

I guess the time has come
We can no longer stay
We've run out of time
As the deadly one
Dances closer this way
We'll make a wish and say a final prayer
All that we love and leave behind here will
Come through
Good lives it will spare
With you now I watch the tv in awe
Wondering what could be next for you and me
With you now I listen close for the thunder
As I hold you so close to me
We face the storm of a lifetime
A monster soon to sweep through
Will we escape the storm of a lifetime?
Fear in every heart
As we brace for the storm of a lifetime
Will it hit or miss?
What will be left standing by the time it is through?
Every eye turns to the raging sky
I say a prayer
For me and for you too
Knowing this road ahead could be long
But knowing if we stick together
We can weather it
No matter how strong
2018 Ramona Thompson
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I've been watching a storm on the news. Intense on the east side of US.

Copyright © JessterStarshine