Once Again


Another day here and gone again,

Though it's later I'm right were I began.

I used to hold myself high on a shelf,

Now I'm lost and lonely, I'm all by myself.

Why do I breathe, when all that I need has died,

When there's nothing left but this shallow screaming inside?

The world is spinning, and everything's wrong,

Even the simplicity of sleeping is gone.

My eyes may be closed, but my mind is astray,

Maybe this screaming will kill me someday.

Once again I prayed for some silence and hope,

But, on the contrary, I'm on a cliff with no rope.

Fighting deep within me, once again I cried,

Trying hard to push it down all this pain I hide.

No, I can't show them, no one can know,

If it seeps out there's no telling where I will go.

Am I supposed to stand up, put both feet on the ground?

Or reveal myself and hope there's no one around.

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PoeticParable_SporadicIntervals's picture

Wow... there are no words to describe this one.. Beautiful with depth and meaning beyong words.. I feel as if you wrote this for me and everyone in life who at times Just wants to know WHY?.......