My Life


You think my life is perfect,

If only that could be

You say I have a gift,

If only you could see,

These simple words you read,

Have been harbored in for years,

You say these words are deep,

But there more like burning tears,

A single fragile child,

That holds the weight of all,

Abandoned at a young age,

With not a quarter for a call,

The pain she holds it burns,

The life she lead it aches,

But still the world turns,

And she's got what it takes,

Her anger still it rages,

Her pain it always grows,

Everyone here see's it,

But no one seems to know.

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PoeticParable_SporadicIntervals's picture

Oh my god, That was the honest to god truth if I ever heard it. Like you I am a poet, and people seem to view our poetry as this great gift. They read our sorrow, happiness, joy, & pain in so many different forms and for some reason they believe we are on top of the world. We write what's within because that's the only way besides crying to release what no one wanted to hear or understand.

Written by a true poet