A Long Time Ago...

I long for summers warmth
The smell of lavender fields
The sky bursting with stars
I long to feel sand between my toes
The smell of chlorine on my skin
The heat of a fire crackling nearby
I long for his touch against me
His hand holding mine
His lips gently kissing my own
I long for a romance that tops them all
That outshines tragedy
That burns equal of every sun in our galaxy 

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That longing

So hopeful, yet agonizing.. Very relatable and exceptionally well penned.

When a memory is so vividly distant
Almost out of reach
Yet close enough to touch
To smell, and taste, and see
You realize that it's become a figment of a dream

"Music is a universal language and needs not be translated. With it, soul speaks to soul" - Songsterr

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Thank you.

Thank you.