Internal Murder

As they roll down my eyes
i here the drip drop,drip drop on my pillow
i here these thing that arent true
but still very much hurts

I log on facebook to see tons of messeges of crap
I know its not true
but it still very much hurts

backstabbed by friends,
pushed around by enimies,
roomers spred like a virus
there are crushing me on the inside

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SSmoothie's picture

Goodness who cares! your fine

Goodness who cares! your fine on your own and just as you are. you should either take it as a form of flattery that you are worth talking about there are many invisible people out there who are happy to get a like, on the other hand if you have done something to spur this on then perhaps it is a good opportunity to re evaluate what it is that has people talkng about you in a way you dont like. My best advice is silence is golden. if you dont need to defend yourself so dont. there will be new scandals next week. some other target. I get that kinda stuff where ever I go and you know what its really water off a ducks back. friends are friends there are many more out there. I have found a few brilliant ones here at PP. We very often grow out of our friendships, we never stay the same people. So being a victim of similar unfounded things I did learn that I was intimidating. I have not tried to change that I simply let people know before hand of my personal tendencies. God made me who I am through my trials and tributlations I have many victories under my belt an I refuse to forget them because of a trial. They keep me going through the attacks. I have a lot of poetry about this issue though the names of them arent always obvious that they are about resilience. You dont need to worry. youre a great poet use these emotions to write a work that will last forever. I guess the jokes on them huh? I hope you feel better soon there are better things to worry about than what some wrong people think. Hugs SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

facethetruth2b's picture

It is hard to ignore , but

It is hard to ignore , but ignore the stupidity in this world and that is all it is ..Stupidity by others to make theirselves feel better ...

you laugh at me because I am differant, I laugh at you because You are all the same ...(KoRn) J.D......

hurtandlost's picture

ignore the know you

ignore the know you are better than that! hold your head up high and show them who's boss!;) be you dont ever change for others and if others dont like it so what!