in every sense of the word
thank you for this piece
this is true "Poetry in Motion"
for this piece lives
it lives within myself as it
lives within yourself - One
4 February 2003 - 7:43pm — Ernest Bevans (not verified)
I can relate to this Haiku
having walked away once from my calling,
The way back has been twice as difficult.
However the next time I feel like straying
I will keep this simple Haiku in mind.
in every sense of the word
thank you for this piece
this is true "Poetry in Motion"
for this piece lives
it lives within myself as it
lives within yourself - One
Much Respect, One Love
I can relate to this Haiku
having walked away once from my calling,
The way back has been twice as difficult.
However the next time I feel like straying
I will keep this simple Haiku in mind.