Are you trying to get into my head/Hope your taking notes on what was said/It comes out of the mouth of madness/So you've seen my sadness/What does it look like/Did you get a glimpse into my life/The past I leave all that behind me/Won't let your failures define me/Get high to escape the lows/Fought my way out of the shadows/When will I find the courage/To hold back on the urges/Emptied enough liquor bottles to drown/Don't get my hopes up only to be let down/Just to find its all the same sober/As close to the edge without going over

Think you know I'd explain if I could

I'm so misunderstood

This is as serious as cancer

Questions with no answers

I think its funny/Their perception of me/Feel the blistering heat of your words/It shouldn't bother me so why do I worry/Do you think I'm crazy/Pretend to be down but really hate me/If so many care then/Why do I only hear I love you from men/Are they even being honest/Or is it another empty promise/Why is it so hard to bruise my pride/Why is it so easy to get on my bad side/When my thoughts escape where do they go/Is a pen and paper the only way I can show/My mysterious nature that most don't know/Dropping hints subliminal/Smooth like a criminal

Author's Notes/Comments: 


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Mom's picture

very powerful... i love them all.

ugonna's picture

Thoughtful and movingly
revealing in many ways.

Yet, its breath is one of
emotional definations and
humane reality. Thank you,
Rachel, for letting these
"QUESTIONS" come our way!


singmoriah's picture

Very good poem, I seem to ask the same questions.