One day my me looked through the

naked "I" and saw the light.

I marked one "L" for luscious and

knew I got it right.

I placed "U" under my skull and

blessed my sight.

There's only one "V" on paper in

the win I celebrate.

Cause I am He who sets the pace as

it is for "U" I do not hesitate...

in luv, which will "B" the only thing

that defines how much we dedicate...

to one another. And it is with endless

devotion "A" man like me waits.

For if in this life we are so blessed

to exist to "B" so called by the fates.

Then luv calls us to it's busom for one

purpose. And if we're not running to it...

Please tell me "Y"?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by a missing muse...

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