Hearts So Prosecuted


Hearts so prosecuted had

no way of knowing how far

it would all go before it

fell apart and crimes of

passion overcame the mundane

sanity and reason hearts

never seem to heed when in

that quasi-amorphous state

that is the genesis and

exodus of binding ties that

initiate us into the heated

fraternity that love is when

new and hot like the fever

of emotional connections so

intense, the time passes ever

so quickly with the speed of

ever-increasing kinetic energy

and neural firings so powerful

they shake the very foundation

of everyday life.  All is so

very...affected because all is

so very...connected. And the

very tearful ending speaks to

the very joyous beginnings that

can never be forgotten.  Tears

flow in natural harmony with the

gravity of a sinking heart and

the billowing grief of knowing

it all could have been avoided

if we'd just stuck to the safety

of the path set by destiny's hand.

I was gone for a minute and now

I just wanna talk about it a

little so you can feel my insides

churning and tight with sorrow

knots so intricate, you'd think

the heart was something akin

to masochistic because we saw

it coming and could do nothing

to stop the flow.  It is of

mice and men that we make

these feeble attempts to in

some way redirect the hand

of the almighty God which is

nothing less than the most

painful and intricate of folly.

For we know nothing of our path

but that it truly has to be

traveled in the manner he has

set for us. This work started

out profound and in its sure

mediocrity found its way to

truths real and painful. I

guess that's just the way of

love when pushed and not led.

I was gone for a minute and

I just wanted to talk about it.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was inspired by recent personal events.  It is a reminder that we are responsible in love for what you do. And is written in a non-stop staccato style beause of the emotional, sensual, and sensory onslaught new love is.

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