The Last Ray of Light


I was driving

when I got the

news that her

guiding light

was gone.

I broke down

at 60 miles

an hour, my

heart was so


It seemed my

connection, just

died, the day she

forgot my name.

A whole generation

is now gone, and

it will never be

the same.

And when grandpa

passed away, I

promised the

memories are

"Never Done".

For the two who

taught me well

and raised me

as their son.

And now the light

is extinguished

so there is finally


For a wonderful

christian servant

who always did

her best.

And though I miss

her counsel and

good advice, I

remember her wise

teachings and know

she's by my side.

So as the last ray

of light shines, I

bask in it's glow.

For there is one

thing for sure that

I know.  

To keep her alive

in our hearts, we've

but to pay heed.  

And remember that

sons raised in truth,

are sons indeed.

Thank you for the Light, Aunt J...

Thank you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For Aunt J in memoriam.

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Regina Ford's picture

that was nice poem and well-written

*~* Slendah*~*'s picture

This is a very beautiful tribute to your Aunt.

Armosha Sturdivant's picture

once again baby I can tell your feeling this and the readers are feeling you feel and identify your emoitions.