Inside My Head...
I came to see you
the first time expectant.
I wanted to know you
in that way that men
know women they
So hopeful, was I.
I had the whole scenario
played out in its entirety.
And there's no way I should
have known, but I did know.
That my dream would, one
day, be our truth.
In you, I find myself.
And as this slowly comes to
pass, the strength of my
caring is transformed and
my feelings grow as each
second of life is consumed
by time.
My heart is my secret garden.
It is the place where the seeds
of MY love are cultivated and
nurtured. The fruit of that
labor, then harvested, I give
freely, continuously, and
exclusively to you...
and only you.
I want you and I need you.
As you want and need me.
All that surrounds us are
satellites to the nucleus
we have created.
Lift the shield that protects your heart.
Let the false things in your
past slip away like the straps
of your lingerie falling away
from your shoulders as my lips
brush gently against your neck.
There is no greater reality for you and I.
Allow what you want and what you
feel to come together and call
to me in unison. Just as my
heart knows your name, and says
it freely and without fear.
You are the mantra that brings me peace.
My heart knows that what
you want most, is to be
with me, forever and always.
Right now...
It's here.
It's all here, baby.
Right here...
Inside my head.