Even though the river was warm
The stones you threw were cold.
You flowed your love into my life
The rapids ahead were bold
The river ran so deep for me
But life just didn’t work that way
The crevices just were to deep
To keep the stream that way.
I thought with time
The warmth would shine
The flow being heavy with song.
And the river would soon turn calm
But instead I would find
The stones were just a sign
With raging waves flowing wild
A river untamed, was your style.
You thought you could keep me in
But the stones looked way to dark
I couldn’t keep them away from me
They were there for me to see
So I used those stones to step away
And leave the river wild
The stones that lay so dark
Were stones to a new start
I look for the calm down the stream
In the cove of sunlit hope
That peace will be found in the river wild
With the dark stones that lay so cold.
well done a great love and lovely poem ..mean it that this is a very good poem and like it much...your poetry is rich and inspiring too..hope you add more poems to enjoy... and wish if you go through my poems too... I am basically a peace dreamer and peacew wisher poet with 6 books and believe in love for all and peaceful world... let me share with you one of my owns says regarding peaceful life...(( a friendly smile is the best weapon of war to fight with...afzal shauq )) hope we save the ailing world with our love poems... for ensuring the peace