Why Do I Care So Much

Why do I care so much about a man who is unobtainable? I knew from the beginning that he was forbidden. 


Why do I care so much about a man who is unavailable? I knew from the first message that I would have to be hidden. 


Why do I care so much about a man who is rightfully spoken for? I’m so stupid to think I had the right to change it. 


Why do I care so much about a man who is not mine? I care because he is perfect for me, from our chemistry a fire was lit! 


Now, I sit here grounding myself back to reality. I’m such an idiot to think this was mutuality. 


Why do I care so much about a man who is unobtainable? 



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They think it is the Mt. Vesuvius culture where patriarchy rules. We have choices where Mr. Perfect is available and not a liar. The female in this poem broke her own heart. He's iut there, not perfect, but free and worthy and loyal.


Lady A
