Hurtful Lies


Confound me, it astounds me how some people

declare that they know and trust YOU, YOUR


Yet they lie on you when they call disaster

an act of God!

It is a more than a shame how they lie in

sake of your name.

What they need is the rod of correction to

put them in the right direction. Of course,

some of us are going to be lost.

Since, they forgot the cost YOUR SON Jesus paid

at Calvary on the cross…

They should read the many sections of YOUR

WORD where it is said that YOU are love!

There is no way I will ever believe you

would place pain or strife in anyone’s life

in order that they would come to YOU for the

peace of salvation.

LORD, we are your creations YOU are not


YOU don’t need us to be GOD! I know that

this is so very true.

Maybe one day they may know YOU!

The way I do.

YOU are loving and giving.

YOU sent your SON so that we could have

abundant living!

Heavenly Father!

It sickens me to hear, “If God brings you to

it He will bring you through it”.

It is so clear to see YOU would never have

to do that!

YOU don’t have to play tricks it is so plain

to see.

This is which makes me so sick!

They analogize the foolishness in the heart

and mind’s of hurtful mankind.

Think that YOU would stoop that low.

They ought to know YOU are ever giving us

blessings from above with YOUR unconditional


YOU use no pain hurt or harms to chase us

in YOUR arms.

It is so wonderful YOU only understand the

hurtful minds of man.

He believes the hurtful lies until the day

he dies.

Then goes off to hell…

What they need is the rod of correction to

put them in the right direction.

Of course, some of us are going to be lost.

Since, they forgot the cost YOUR Son paid

at Calvary on the cross…

They should read the many sections of YOUR


Maybe they have not really heard

that YOU are love!"

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I had to write this due to the fact that Heavenly Father God has lied on so much. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good. All the nasty ugly things that have been said about God must have been the gods with little "g"! The spiritual minded know who that is...

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Theo's picture

God has been seriously misrepresented by humanity who commit all sorts of atrocities in His Name. Thankfully, there are Good people out there who know what we know, That God can never bring disasters on mankind. So People, leave God's name out of Ur lies!!!

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

strong faith gets us through anything and being honest and open about it even more so. More people should be as honest