* Genie In A Bottle *

                I wish i was a genie

                in a bottle someone to

                walking along the desert

                would dig my bottle up

                and shake it and i d

                pop out in a big puff

                 of purple smoke and

                 i'd say to my master

                 yes master i'll grant

                 you anything youre heart

                 s desire my master would

                 have the key to me complete

                 power of everything in the

                 land my master would be a

                 total genius and he.d love me.


               * This poem was written by me  *

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i love that i dream of
Genie show it is still
my favorite show to
this very day i just
think it is so very cool.

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Yvonne Coleman-Burney's picture

This was really good, I so liked it, it made me think of God and how he is our genie! he waits for us to call and his love for us his desire to grant us all our wishes, to remove all our pain and hurt like a puff of smoke........


Sarah P.'s picture

Hi. I love this poem! Even though I'm only 15, I've loved I Dream of Geanie since I was little. It's a wonderful show and I wish that it was still on... (Meaning new episodes)


GabulousGabby's picture

Very cute poem and very funny!
loved it!

Gabby :-)

Zach Jacobsen's picture

Hey there. Perhaps I'm a liitle too young to fully comprehend this.....or maybe just tired. Anyway I still liked it. ^^; On to poem #4

Sandie Angel's picture

It's funny I see this poem, for I had written one poem, "My Dear Genie" in which I had asked the Genie to always grant me one last wish. We poets do think alike sometimes.

Sandie Angel :o)

Teresa Jacobs's picture

I'am a genie in a bottle
Come rub me the right way...
Good poem. I like the I dream of Genie show as well and watched it when I was a kid. Your poem is very mystical.

running_with_rabbits's picture

I love how you ended this
and he'd love me
:) its what every girl wants


Much Love


Eddie Duffy's picture

Hey speaking of I love Genie,whats up with the master, I mean he could be gettin some of that genie if he wanted, I bet he stays on one side of the fence;);)

Karyn Indursky's picture

I enjoyed the content of your poem. I think we all dream of being something mystical at one time or another. You captured the magic we feel when we envision ourselves through child eyes with a natural innocence often lost as we become adults. Thank you for the wonderful read.

Rachel  Marie Tate's picture

Awww ~ This is so cute! I actually pictured the whole scenario of being found and puffing out in a cloud of smoke... I, too, love I Dream Of Jeannie :-)

Dale Clark's picture

This is a sweet poem! So cute!
I loved it!

mythers's picture

such a light-hearted piece. Cute is every way. Much enjoyed!

Judy Costea's picture

That was one of my most favorite shows growing up....
I love how you weaved it into your beautiful poem... to have a Master with complete power and to love only you....
Beautiful write...
Peace and Love..