* Trifflling *

Broken Heart Poems

              you must think that i am

               a complete fool to take

              your sorry triffling butt

         back.  no it'is not gonna happen

             anytime soon because i am

             so very still hurt from

               all of the pain that

              you have put me thru


             for i was too good to you

             i treated you better than

             any other woman ever could

              then you took and threw

              your wedding ring at me

        as you slammed the door into my face

      you falsely accused me of cheating on you

        the rumors werent true because i didn't

        have the heart to hurt you like that

      you  got caught up into all of her bull hit


      and you packed up all of your stuff

             to go and live with her

          you took eveything and left me

             with  nothing but the dog



         you gave her total custiody of our

         two beautiful children to make them

         to believe that i was a bad mother

           they are my flesh and blood to

        a loving mom would make that sacrfiice

         and you know that is a very true fact .

          it is like when you left me

         you killed everything about me .


   *   this poem was written when i was angrey  *

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this poem is about a
serious heart break
That left a woman totally
heartbroken until this
very day because she still hasnt gotten over
it yet terrible isnt it .
this poem is a true fact.

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Shaketa Copelin's picture

Damn...this was sad. Nice piece.

blackinkusa's picture

some things may seem dead inside us, but they only lie dormant to allow other things to spring to life...great piece...I've been there! Don't let it consume you!

Karyn Indursky's picture

Way to tell it like it is and put him in his place. I support you all the way! Hugs.