"Speak First of Desire"

by Jeph Johnson


when professing my passions
I must speak first of desire
and speak I do, and speak I will
until what I admire
becomes the passing fashion
and what I say backfires...
when expressing valor
I try courageously
to speak the truth and speak my will
until I shamelessly
fear my shouts and hollers
will combine contagiously
and scream out in poetic madness
thoughts that just make sense to me
they're misconstrued, amiss and still
will my identity
a confused, depressing sadness
emotes from my personality
evoking no passion or courage
but now I forget the relation
between the two and how to fulfill
a life of exhilaration
my words are now a mirage
of truth lost in translation

Author's Notes/Comments: 

circa 2000 

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Deborah Russell's picture

A good piece of poetry. Glad I "stopped in".