"Lonely Hawthorne"

by Jeph Johnson


Hawthorne Boulevard is a section of southeast Portland besieged by liberal policies and politics.  It is a happy "crunchy granola" sort of place where lesbians walk hand-in-hand without being ridiculed, tie-died deadheads distribute pro-marijuana literature and, although the housing is old, rent is sky-high.  Everyone who is anyone remotely associated with "the arts" wants to live on Hawthorne.  Each and every telephone pole reads like a rallying cry for the next protest (or at least the next concert).  It is impossible to walk down the street without having to make your mind up about something.

this mundane Monday paraphrased
a week filled with prosaic days
watching people pass me by
shouting causes to the sky
"choose or lose?" I fail to decide
in fact sometimes I sit and sigh


up and down the boulevard
preaching pious seminars
on being holier-than-thou
and choosing the right sacred cow
I shake my head from left to right
deciding which cause to fight

Author's Notes/Comments: 

circa 1999 

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