
May 2002 Poetry

I am just “me.”

I am just “her.”

I am just “that girl.”

But most of all,

I am just forgotten.

~*~ Jill ~*~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this on 5-13-02.

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Essence Scott's picture

i like this a lot..its short and it reminds me of me

Dani Wagner's picture

That's a deep poem. It doesn't seem like such a short one could be so hard hitting...but it is. And it's beautiful. So sad, and so sweet, but so powerful

Abbey Reeder's picture

Your poem was one on the front page and I have just read it and even though it's short, sweet, and simple, it says so much.

It really hits home with me because I have felt these things so many times myself.....never give up, you should be very proud of yourself for writing a great piece
