Finaly in love

I pinch myself.

"Wake up",I say.

How can it be?

Can this realy be happening to me?

I Pinch myself.

"Wake up", I say.

"Wake up", I say.

What? Me in love?

Have I realy been handed this from up above?

I pinch myself.

"Wake up", I say.

"Wake up", I say.

"Wake up", I say.


A voice says to me.

How can you think it can not be?

      "Cuz: "You",

deserve to be treated like a preciouse dove.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this poem for my special someone.He is so dear to me. When I fell in love.... I began to question it. as the poem states).... I fell asleep one night and had a dream. When I woke the next morning I knew it was true...It finally hit me. So... I began my poem.

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Chelsea N.'s picture

I like this one.
So true, I find myself wondering this at times, but I am only jsut 15, I doubt I've actually fallen in love yet :P
Awesome poem, loved it.

poetvg's picture

this poem is
my very favorite.

pangan_l_l's picture

Love is the most intricate word
with no definite definition but
only definition through experience.

Lucky you for feeling it exists.

Great write.