Brokenhearted Love Poem

My love came down
It got knocked around
Heart falling
Falling to the ground

You no longer acknowledge me
You make it seem like we where nothing
You think I still care?
Well you made me realize its better to stare

Love is hard
Never said it wasn’t
Once your fond of them
They tear your heart out
And make it bend

Once you believe its real
They’ll make you feel safe and happy
Once you realize its safe to feel
They’ll leave you as if your nothing
And make you feel really crappy

They’ll make you seem worthless
And never speak to you again
Make it seem as if your the bad one
Make the pain seep in

While the pain in your heart sits till it can stand
Till you can grab a stronger hand
You still feel the love of them and you’ll never forget
Once you break a girls heart
Its going to be something he’ll regret

All the crying you made me do
All the pain he has put me through
I can become stronger
And hold onto grudges longer

You may go around doing the same to other girls
But I can’t help them any longer
You have been cheating on me
But does that make you any stronger?

Does it make you become a better man?
One to love
One to hold hands

Once you hurt the wrong girl
Your world will begin to twirl
Around and around
Until you hurl

Till you can finally see
Why Im so sick of you
I’m not the old little petty me
I realized your game
And I’m not the same

I’ll get what I always wanted
For me this is just a game
But as for you
It’ll be nothing but pure adrenaline and pain

Justice and freedom
My heart with begin to have a rhythm
It will stop its bleeding
And show its healing

Make a smile appear on my face
And wipe that cheap little grin right off of yours
Just something that should have been taking care of
For a long time
And for good

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Never let a boy nor man rule you over, never let him cheat on you and NEVER let him hurt you because he's just going to get it twice as harsh.

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The raw emotion shows. I feel

The raw emotion shows. I feel your pain. I hope this helped.