
I've departed to a higher place, running down a staircase of clarity. 

The soul, a master of shadows.

On a white plain of stairs running reversibly to infinity.


A jewel for every step. Some are shaped. Some are chosen.

Deep inside the shaft, I keep encountering the same jewels.


I, am I a shadow master.

Tile to black, tile to white.

Chosen are the ones, among us differentials. Fusing light to the shapes.


I've returned to a lower place, crawling up a staircase of transparency.

The mind, a master of insanity.

On a night stroll of glares, crawling irreversibly to eternity.


Black and white are the tiles given.

Shadow masters are the driven.

Ages of resistance, forces of indifference. Time henceforth the only facade masked.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Hey hey!! I've recently started writing and would love to hear some honest criticism! This is my 1st attempt! :)

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Stardust's picture

ur words are very deep and

ur words are very deep and incredibly fine poem, considering this is ur first attempt (if i may say so)

best wishes for posts to come :)

Phoenix117's picture

You are too kind! :) thank

You are too kind! :) thank you!! I feel like some of those lines don't even make sense. Anyhow there's always room for improvement!!